From the Desk of the Principal: August 12

08-12-2019NewsletterMrs. Abigale Carpenter

Welcome Crusaders

Welcome to the new school year! In order to enhance our home and school communication, the weekly news will be available through our school website (typically posted each Sunday evening for your convenience). Please explore each of the drop down menus on our home page for all school related information!

Read more about the new faculty and staff members that are joining Saint Anne Catholic School this year.

A lot of important paper work is coming home with your child this week. Please take the time to read each carefully, sign to represent your acknowledgement, and return them to school with your child. You can also download the handbook here.

Please be sure to use the crosswalks and park in the designated parking areas (parking OR dropping off students in front of the school, parish, and religious education buildings is not permitted). We also ask that you obey our dedicated students who volunteer to serve as crossing guards - keeping everyone safe. We greatly appreciate your support and cooperation. Thank you!


From the Desk of the Principal: August Newsletter

08-01-2019NewsletterMrs. Abigale Carpenter

Dear Saint Anne Families,

I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer vacation. The faculty and staff of Saint Anne School are working hard to prepare for the 2019-2020 school year. We know how exciting and challenging a new school year can be for both children and their families. To help ease this transition I'd like to provide you with some information on upcoming events. Participating in these events is a great way to get to know the teachers, staff, and fellow parents/caregivers who form such a wonderful and caring community around our children. You are also encouraged to contact the office with any questions. As a reminder the classroom supplies lists can be found here.