Dear Saint Anne Families,

Last week correspondence was sent from the Superintendent’s office regarding the option of online learning.  You can elect if your child(ren) will receive their Catholic education virtually or in person five days a week. Below you will find FAQ regarding the options.

We are asking all families to complete a survey, indicating their choice, by Friday, July 31.  Families that do not respond will be assumed as in-person learning. 


What are the dates of the First Trimester?

The First Trimester starts on August 17 and ends on November 6th.

If I elect for my child to participate in Distance Learning am I able to change my mind?

No. If you choose to start with Distance Learning your child will remain as a virtual student the entirety of the First Trimester. Prior to the start of the Second Trimester, families will be asked to reassess for reentry at the start of the Second Trimester.

Can my student opt for in-person instruction and then out later? Can they go back and forth?

You can opt-in for in-person instruction and opt-out later should your personal circumstances change. If you opt-out during the trimester, you will opt-out for the remainder of the trimester. Should you choose to go to Distance Learning you will need to communicate with Mrs. Carpenter in writing.

As a general rule: students cannot go back and forth from in-person to online back to in-person in a given trimester.

Will the distance learning model include more than one hour of instruction with the teacher each day?

Students may check into class at the start of the school day and must be available for the normal school hours. It is not feasible to have teachers "zoom" for an hour a day in addition to teaching their scheduled classes. This would be unreasonable. Each grade's schedule will look different and will require different amounts of time, allowing for age-appropriate distance learning structures to take place.

We want students actively and authentically engaged. For each distance learning classroom, the teacher/principal will determine what this might look like depending upon student needs, age level, etc. 

Will my student zoom into a class all day long?

It is also not feasible to ask a student to sit in front of a screen all day either. Classwork will be a combination of both synchronous and asynchronous learning.

If the whole school must go to Distance Learning for an extended period, what will that look like?

There will be strict norms and guidelines in place for best practices in Distance Learning. Distance Learning will look different than last Spring. If and when we get to this point, we will share details as we continue to fine-tune to adhere to best practices to ensure our students are receiving the best education possible.

Mrs. Abigale Carpenter